Lesson Plans

This curriculum is meant to serve primarily secondary level students. Many of the lesson plans are interdisciplinary and can be used in music, literature, and history/social studies classes. The lessons can be taught individually or together as a whole unit to be studied over several weeks.

Links to PDF files of the lesson plans are available below, arranged in thematic order. Lesson plans grouped by alignment to Common Core Standards can be found on this page under “Standards Alignment.”

Lesson #1: Introduction to the Arab World

This lesson is as an introduction to the geography and demographics of the 22 countries of the Arab world. 

The Entertainer: Music and Media in the Arab World

Lesson #2: Style and artistic excellence

The voice of Umm Kulthum brought joy to listeners all across the world. What was it about her performance that captivated millions in her native Egypt, and beyond?

Lesson #3: Mass entertainment and development of technology

Umm Kulthum lived at a time when she was able to capitalize on the recent introduction of radio to popular Egyptian culture. This lesson compares and contrasts the effects of her radio broadcasts with President Roosevelt’s “fireside chats.”

Lesson #4: Poetry and performance

Her poetic lyrics and stunning performances made Umm Kulthum an international star. This lesson asks students to analyze the attributes of Umm Kulthum’s music, and compare and contrast them with a contemporary singing sensation: Adele. 

The Celebrity/Public Figure: Impact of an Individual on the Arab World

Lesson #5: Effect on the audience – tarab

Umm Kulthum drew on a rich and varied tradition in Arab music. This lesson examines the concept of tarab – or enchantment – that made her performance so special.

Lesson #6: Impact on contemporary listeners

Umm Kulthum’s influence has spread across the world. In this lesson, students analyze the poetry and performance of Palestinian-American poet Suheir Hammad who writes about her connection to Umm Kulthum growing up.

The Businesswoman: Role of Women in the Arab World

Lesson #7: Challenging stereotypes of Arab women

This lesson plan leads students to consider stereotypes they may hold, and then introduces them to an interview with an eminent historian discussing Umm Kulthum’s considerable business sense. 

Lesson #8: Umm Kulthum and contemporary Arab businesswomen

Umm Kulthum is one among many Arab women who are successful in their business. This plan consists of a “jigsaw” activity where students break into small groups to learn about several contemporary Arab businesswomen and then share their classmates.

The Diplomat: Key Moments in 20th Century Egyptian and Arab History

Lesson #9: Umm Kulthum’s relationship with President Gamal Abdel Nasser

Umm Kulthum played an important cultural role following the 1952 Egyptian Revolution. This lesson examines the historical context of Umm Kulthum’s artistic achievements in relation to President Nasser.

Lesson #10: Umm Kulthum and Arab unity

Near the end of her career, Umm Kulthum embarked on a grand international tour representing both Egypt and the Arab World as “The Star of the East.”