

  • Firqa: Ensemble of approximately eight or more instruments
  • Lazma (pl. lazmat): Instrumental interlude in a song
  • Mawwal (pl. mawawil): Genre of song dating form the twelfth century that may take a variety of shapes; recent Egyptian examples frequently have four to seven lines of text on which a solo singer improvises; puns, creative rhymes, and other plays on words characterize this manifestation of the genre.
  • Mazhabgi: Accompanying singer
  • Mughanni, f. mughanniyya: Singer
  • Mutrib, f. mutriba: Term applied to an accomplished singer, literally “one who enchants”.
  • Nass: Text of a song
  • Qasida (pl. qasa’id): Classical poetic genre characterized by a single rhyme scheme and meter throughout. Often treating themes and images having to do with wantering in the desert and coming upon something that had been lost.
  • Sala (pl. salat): Music hall
  • Takht: Ensemble consisting of two to five players that formed the customary accompanying group for a singer at the turn of the century.
  • Tarab: Enchantment, the complete engagement of listeners with a musical performance.
  • Turath: Heritage, of music or other cultural forms.
  • Wasla (pl. wasalat): A suite of vocal and instrumental pieces which, at the turn of the century, constituted a genre of entertainment common at elite gatherings of men.


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