Visual Art – Immigrant Alphabet /ialphabet Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:42:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Welcoming Week Kick-Off: Book Launch and Interactive Art Making /ialphabet/in-action/welcoming-week-kick-off-book-launch-and-interactive-art-making/ /ialphabet/in-action/welcoming-week-kick-off-book-launch-and-interactive-art-making/#respond Fri, 17 Aug 2018 19:20:21 +0000 /ialphabet/?p=1191 Come kick off Welcoming Week 2018 with an interactive book launch of America, Border, Culture, Dreamer: The Young Immigrant Experience from A to Z, celebrating art as a tool to amplify marginalized voices and jumpstart meaningful dialogue. Hear from Mayor Kenney, meet author and photographer Wendy Ewald, talk with students featured in the book, and create your own art exploring identity, immigration and inclusivity.


Co-hosted by Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture, The Free Library, and the Office of Immigrant Affairs.


RSVP for this free event here!
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Al-Bustan at Cabrini University /ialphabet/in-action/cabrini-university/ /ialphabet/in-action/cabrini-university/#respond Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:04:11 +0000 /ialphabet/?p=895 Cabrini University invited us to come and facilitate a discussion on immigration and themes related to #iAlphabet for a combined undergraduate seminar with students taking courses on immigration and linguistics. Students and professors discussed displacement, borders, stereotypes, and the idea of home after which they created their own mini-alphabet. The group decided on “Freedom” as the theme for their mini-alphabet and worked in pairs to choose a word coinciding with each letter, create a visual representation of the word, and write a definition or statement from their own experiences and perspectives.



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Snapshots of Identity: Professional Development Workshop /ialphabet/in-action/snapshots-of-identity-professional-development-workshop/ /ialphabet/in-action/snapshots-of-identity-professional-development-workshop/#respond Thu, 31 May 2018 17:43:35 +0000 /ialphabet/?p=905 Educators and teaching artists from across Philadelphia gathered at the Municipal Services Building in February 2017 for a professional development workshop with artist and educator Wendy Ewald. Participants spent their time learning about An Immigrant Alphabet and different ways to bring collaborative learning into the classroom while sharing experiences and creating their own collective alphabet. Check out their alphabet here!

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An Immigrant Alphabet Residency /ialphabet/in-action/science-leadership-academy-mini-course/ /ialphabet/in-action/science-leadership-academy-mini-course/#respond Tue, 01 May 2018 17:41:37 +0000 /ialphabet/?p=903 We were invited to host a art based mini-course about An Immigrant Alphabet at the Science Leadership Academy. Over the course of 9-weeks, middle school students explored the themes in #iAlphabet through various artistic mediums including; painting, zine-making, poetry and a collective mural!

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