Reminiscing Crossing Genres Concert

Posted On:
09 November, 2020

On October 23, 2020, Al-Bustan presented its first virtual concert titled Crossing Genres: A Journey through Arab, Korean, and Latin Musical Traditions.  The program featured a collaborative performance by master percussionist Hafez Kotain, cellist and composer Kinan Abou-Afach, and pianist/bandoneonist/accordionist Shinjoo Cho. The evening was a celebration of cultures intersecting and interfolding, beginning with a taqsim, a tradition of improvisation in Middle Eastern music, which led into Latin rhythms enriched by Kotain’s Venezuelan background and Cho’s formative time in Argentina. The concert ended with a Korean folk song expertly played by Cho. Our audience were enamored by the performances, as evidenced by their remarks in the chat:

“Seamlessly shifting between sound-worlds… absolutely beautiful” – remarked Kira
“ابدعتم. امان امان” – rhapsodized Susan
“Out of breath!” – exclaimed Sue

Intersecting cultures was also a theme in the conversation with the artists after the concert. Kotain spoke about his desire to share Latin musical traditions while growing up in Syria, only to be compelled to teach Arab rhythms on the doumbek to those in Venezuela when he returned as a young adult. Cho, who was steeped in Western classical music as a child, sought out the musical traditions of her native Korea as an adult. Abou-Afach, cellist and player of the oud, commented that the more he learned about both of his instruments, the more was revealed to him about the difference in Arab and Western music.

The musical performance was enchanting and intimate, as if the concert was performed for each audience member personally. It was illuminating to hear the musicians speak about the role of culture, heritage, and tradition in influencing their lives as musicians and collaborators during the Q & A segment. While we miss seeing our community in person, we appreciate those who attended and shared their comments. Look out for more information on our next concert, which will be held in early 2021!

Watch excerpts of the concert here: