Romance, Dance, and Happenstance: Egyptian Film Posters over 50 Years

Posted On:
14 September, 2021
Our HubPresenting

Al-Bustan is eager to present Romance, Dance, and Happenstance: Egyptian Film Posters Over 50 Years, in collaboration with the Middle East Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

This is an exhibition of curated 20th Century Egyptian film posters. The selected posters feature players and themes intended to attract audiences of the day to Egyptian cinemas, as they offer unexpected insights into the present into Egypt’s

cinema industry and into Egyptian society.

Exhibit @ Al-Bustan’s Hub

3645 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104

September 17, 2021 – February 3, 2022

On view Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm


Gallery Opening | Friday, September 17, 2021, 6-9pm @ Hub

“Beyond Representation: Decolonizing Hollywood”, A Discussion with Screenwriter and Director Lena Elmeligy | Thursday, October 7, 7:30 pm on ZOOM

“Queer Spaces: A panel discussion on Queer SWANA representation”, A Discussion with Actor, Writer, and Advocate Martin Yousif Zebari | Thursday, October 13, 7:30 pm on ZOOM
“Stories Retold: Writing for Stage and Camera”, Writing Workshop with Lena Elmeligy and Martin Yousif Zebari | Saturday, October 16, 4 pm on ZOOM

Gallery Closing | Thursday, February 3, 2021, 5:30-7 pm @ Hub

Film screenings and additional programming TBA