Al-Bustan Honored with TAKREEM Award

Posted On:
27 November, 2017
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November 27, 2017

It’s an exciting week to be celebrating exceptional Arab success stories!  Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture is humbled to be among Arab individuals and organizations who were recognized at the 2017 TAKREEM Awards Ceremony in Amman, Jordan.

Founded by Ricardo Karam eight years ago, the annual TAKREEM Awards acknowledge Arab achievements in the following categories: Scientific and Technological Achievement, Cultural Excellence, Environmental Development and Sustainability, Excellence in Education, Humanitarian and Civic Services, Outstanding Arab Woman, Young Entrepreneur, Corporate Leadership, and International Contribution to Arab Society.

With over a thousand people in attendance from around the Arab region at this spectacular event, welcomed by Queen Noor Al-Hussein alongside members of the Jordanian royal family, the awarded laureates hailed both from the Arab region and internationally, reminding us that Arabs are making positive change across the globe.

Al-Bustan was recognized for its “International Contribution to Arab Society.” We are honored by the words of TAKREEM master of ceremony Layla Al Alshaikhli who referred to the organization as an embodiment of TAKREEM’s vision to advocate positive messages and images of Arabs through creative and educational programs.

Al-Bustan Founder/Executive Director Hazami Sayed noted the following in her thank you remarks at the event:

 أودّ ان اشكر لجنة تكريم على هذا الشرف والتقدير. لم أكن اتخيل ان المجهود الشخصي الذي بدأناه في فيلادلفيا بعد ١١ ايلول لتوعية اولادنا بالثقافة واللغة العربية يمكن ان يقدر على مستوى العالم العربي، خصوصا في الوقت الذي نجد أنفسْنا كعرب تحت ضغط إعلامي وسياسي يصفنا بأبشع الصفات. يعمل البستان لتغيير عقول وقلوب الشعب الامريكي والجالية العربية في أمريكا على حد سواء. واريد ان اشكر فريق ومجلس إدارة البستان وجميع الفنانين والمدرسين الذين شاركوني في تنمية البستان من فكرة الى واقع فعال اثر في حياة آلاف الصغار والكبار. وختاما شكر خاص لزوجي وكل عائلتي على حبهم ودعمهم المستمر

I would like to thank the TAKREEM Committee for this honor and appreciation.  I never imagined that the personal effort we initiated in Philadelphia after 9/11 to educate our children about the Arabic language and culture could be appreciated across the Arab World, especially at a time when we, as Arabs, find ourselves so negatively portrayed and scrutinized in politics and the media.  Al-Bustan strives to affect the hearts and minds of Americans, as well as Arabs in America. I would like to thank our Al-Bustan team, Board of Directors, and all the artists and educators who joined me in developing the organization from a concept into a thriving reality with a variety of initiatives impacting the lives of thousands of youth and adults. Lastly, a special thanks to my husband and all my family for their love and continuous support.

Other US-based honorees include the Arab American National Museum for “Cultural Excellence” and  Jusoor for “Humanitarian and Civic Services.”

The event was covered by several Arab media, including the Jordan Times, Al-Ghad, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Radio Monte Carlo (Al-Bustan interview starting at 43:30) and Watar FM Radio.

Photos courtesy of Layalina Magainze:

Here is the video clip that TAKREEM presented when announcing the honorees: