Tabadul: Second Neighborhood Forum with Wendy Ewald

Posted On:
08 February, 2017
Past EventsTeaching
Date: Friday, March 3, 2017

Time: 4 – 6 PM

Location: Germantown Friends School at 31 W. Coulter Street in Germantown

Directions: Neighborhood forum will be held in Hargroves Center on the first floor in the Wade Science Building. Visitors parking is available behind this building. Click here for map.

Free and Open to the Public | Space is limited, registration required to RSVP

Join Al-Bustan for the second Neighborhood Forum of the Tabadul: Cross Cultural Exchange Through the Arts Project!

Expect music and spoken word performances by students and a presentation from internationally renowned photographer Wendy Ewald, whose work is a source of inspiration for the project.

The presentations will be followed by facilitated collective art-making that will use photography and writing. Working in smaller groups, participants will co-create a collage of photos and writing to visually representation the exchange of stories on culture and identity that will take place. These pieces will initially go on display at GFS, but will move around to the different locations of the upcoming neighborhood forums.

The evening culminates with a sampling of international food from local establishments in Germantown.

Participants are encouraged to bring a photo(s) and/or poetry that is an important representation of how you identify yourself. Participants are also encouraged to bring a food dish reflective of your heritage/culture to add to the sampling of cultural foods that will be provided.

We will have food generously catered and donated by local restaurants, including:

Check back for a post-event write up!

Learn more about what happened in our first Neighborhood Forum at Palumbo Academy here and the rest of the great work of the Tabadul Project that has happened so far at NEHS this year!

Use #TabadulPHL on social media to stay up to date on Al-Bustan’s Tabadul Project!

Pictures from our First Neighborhood Forum at Palumbo:

What is a Neighborhood Forum?

SHARE + ENGAGE:  Over the span of the academic  year, NEHS students will host or be hosted by a school in another neighborhood to jointly share their artwork. The forums will provide opportunities for collective art-making dialogue sessions on culture with audience participation. NEHS students will present the art they have produced in Dr. Jay Fluellen’s class with the Al-Bustan teaching artists Jacob Winterstein (poetry/spoken word), Hafez Kotain (percussion), and Dave Tavani (photography).


One of the goals of #TabadulPHL is for individuals to take ownership of and share how their culture and identity is represented. The neighborhood forums aim to build bridges between youth across neighborhoods to strengthen cohesiveness across the Philadelphia community by uncovering commonalities and appreciating how difference can be complementary rather than adversarial.

Upcoming Forums:

USchool in Kensington: May 5, 2017

Northeast High School in Northeast Philly: June 9, 2017


Thanks to our funders who have made this year-long program possible: