Resources on Al-Andalus


The Legacy of Muslim Spain by Salma Khadra Jayyusi

Ziryab: Authentic Arab Cuisine by Farouk Mardam-Bey

The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain by Maria Rosa Menocal

Gardens, Landscape, and Vision in the Palaces of Islamic Spain by Dede Fairchild Ruggles


Al-Andalus: the Art of Islamic Spain edited by Jerrilynn D. Dodds

A primer on al-Andalus, published by the open-source educational institution Saylor Academy

Tor Eigeland writes about the cuisine of al-Andalus in this Saudi Aramco article

For those who plan to visit and tour al-Andalus, this article by Tor Eigeland may be interesting

Read Saudi Aramco’s 5-part series about “Travelers of Al-Andalus.”


Cities of Light: The Rise and Fall of al-Andalus – a documentary by Unity Productions Foundation, with curricular resources for educators

Out of Cordoba –  Jacob Bender explores the history of Al-Andalus by examining the lives and legacies of Andalusian philosophers Ibn Rushd and Maimonides

An Islamic History of Europe – Rageh Omaar explores the influence of Al-Andalus on Europe in BBC documentary

Bridging Cultures: Islamic Art Spots – Dr. D. Fairchild Ruggles presents seven visual essays in short films on the art of Muslim societies:


See images of al-Andalus’s legacy in Spain

Look at photo galleries of al-Hambra photos


Dr. D. Fairchild Ruggles talks about The Great Mosque of Cordoba and its fruited trees and ablution Fountains


Play the Arabic Alphabet Game – explore the Arabic alphabet and learn about Al-Andalus and the “World of Ziryab”