An Immigrant Alphabet Book Launch

On September 14, 2018, we launched the book “America, Border, Culture Dreamer: The Young Immigrant Experience from A to Z” at The Free Library in partnership with the Office of Immigrant Affairs as the kick-off event for Welcoming Week. The book contains An Immigrant Alphabet images along with students’ personal narratives written with Wendy Ewald.

The event was attended by elementary students on a field-trip, families, and city officials. Mayor Kenney himself gave welcoming remarks showing his support for An Immigrant Alphabet saying ” When I look at this crowd, when I look at the diversity in this room, its beautiful. It is what makes this city wonderful, it makes America wonderful. And don’t let anyone tell you differently, that its only for white men, it is not, it is for all of us.”

Wendy Ewald, the author and photographer for the project explained the history of An Immigrant Alphabet saying,”The alphabet could be an effective tool to pick apart and document as inexpressible as the experience of immigration.” Students from the project also shared there experiences in a Q&A session.

You can buy your copy of America, Border, Culture Dreamer: The Young Immigrant Experience from A to Z on Amazon!

“A Beautiful Collection Detailing Exquisitely a Foreigner’s Geography of their Humanity in Images Jeweled Keenly with Luminous Memories. Necessary. Original. Poetic. Questioning. Respectful. Soulful. Tender. Universal. Vibrant. Winged. Anti-Xenophobic. Youth-driven. Zealous.

Imagine you had to cross a border to protect your family. Would you do it? Here is a book written by those who have had to make that choice, an ABC for progress and peace in a time of regression and division. Here is an opportunity to listen to those most silent and silenced, an opportunity to be inspired by their courage, optimism, and faith in the United States. This is the America I believe in.”

Sandra Cisneros, award-winning author of The House on Mango Street 

Have you seen "An Immigrant Alphabet" installation in Philadelphia?

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