Celebrating an Amazing Year in the Moffet Garden

Posted On:
14 June, 2016
NewsSchool Partnerships

On May 31, 2016, a celebration in the Moffet School garden showcased the art and music of Al-Bustan’s After-School Arab Arts Program, as well as several arts and culture organizations working in Moffet School community.  It was a wonderful wrap-up of the school year.

Art made by students under the guidance of Teaching Artists Lisa Volta and Nancy Sophy was on display in the garden, along with student performances led by Percussion Director Hafez Kotain and Choir Director Serge El Helou.  Community partners Adab Ibrahim and Joe Brenman offered words on behalf of Artwell regarding the Windows of Peace Mural recently completed at neighboring Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy.  The afternoon ended with  Al-Bustan Takht Ensemble performing a medley of Arab songs. and instrumental compositions.

Photo Credits: Emily Ganser

Throughout the event there were art activities led by Lisa Volta and Nancy Sophy and community partners Taller Puertorriquenos, Smith Memorial Playground, Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, Astral Artists, JJ Tiziou and the National Museum of American Jewish History.  Attendees left the celebration not only with a greater appreciation for the hard work of the students in the Moffet Arab Arts After-School Program, but also with their artwork inspired by Arab and Latino cultures. Additionally, photographs taken of attendees will be displayed by the Philadelphia Photos Arts Center’s exhibits as part of the Philly Block Project, and by photographer JJ Tiziou as part of his residency at the National Museum of American Jewish History.

The celebration was also an invitation for a potluck dinner, with attendees bringing Puerto Rican rice dishes, salads, falafel sandwiches, and even a delicious cake shaped like a tabla (Middle Eastern hand drum).  Many thanks to those families who brought a dish, as well as Liberty Choice Market and Al-Amana Market for donating falafel, hummus, and bread, and Cousin’s Supermarket for donating cookies and beverages.

Al-Bustan greatly appreciates the support of the Moffet school community and partnering organizations, including H&S Learning Center and Friends of Moffet.

Additionally, we are grateful for our major funders — William Penn Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, and Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation — for making this program possible!

Read more about the event via Spirit News.