Phl17 Interview

Posted On:
12 June, 2013

Al-Bustan is featured on “In Focus” — a weekly 30-minute TV program produced by PHl17 and hosted by Steve Highsmith. The program covers a variety of subjects, with an emphasis on the concerns and interests of the residents of the Philadelphia region.

On June 8, 2013, Al-Bustan Executive Director Hazami Sayed, along with visual artist Tremain Smith, percussionist Hafez Kotain, and camper Kiamessu DaSilva, chatted with host Steve Highsmith.

You can view the entire interview here in 27 minutes, or view segments below.


Part 2: Visual artist Tremain Smith and percussionist Hafez Kotain talk about their art and teaching at Al-Bustan.


Part 3: Executive Director Hazami Sayed and teenager Kiamessu DaSilva talk about learning Arabic and arts at Al-Bustan Camp.