Help Us Embrace Immigrants! iAlphabet at Public Schools – THANK YOU!

Posted On:
08 September, 2019
Past Events

We’re pleased to announce that we have met our goal of $5,000!!

ALF SHUKR — A THOUSAND THANKS to the 59 contributors for their support… enabling us to spread the message of An Immigrant Alphabet and serve Philadelphia public school students!

September 2019

At Al-Bustan we are committed to supporting immigrant and refugee communities and to cultivating an America that is welcoming to all.

Help us fund the display of An Immigrant Alphabet banners with accompanying educational programming that seeks to amplify the voices of Philadelphia’s diverse communities.

Your donations will support our partnerships with five Philadelphia public schools where our team provides cross-cultural arts instruction: Northeast High School, John Moffet School, Juniata Park Academy, Albert Greenfield School, and Penn Alexander School.

A gift of any amount is appreciated.  We hope you’ll give as generously as you can! Your donation is tax-deductible.

CLICK HERE to follow our fundraising campaign and make your DONATION — Shukran!

Watch what this project meant to the students and the city! — video and editing by Dave Tavani