Projects in Action

Welcome to Projects in Action at Al-Bustan!

Here we present a glimpse of how the Um Kulthum Curriculum Unit can be used in a non-formal educational setting.  All examples provided below were designed and utilized by our six subject teachers (Arabic, Music, Science, Video, Art, & Drama) at Al-Bustan Summer Camp 2013.  The camp was held for two weeks (excluding weekends) and each teacher was responsible for a daily class period of 45 to 60 minutes.  The teachers developed their projects around the theme of the life and times of Um Kulthum, and used this Curriculum Unit as an inspiration and reference.  The projects were developed for students in K-12, with grade levels noted accordingly.  Please browse the links below for videos, photos, and PDF files of the projects arranged by theme… and let us know your feedback!

Arabic                                    Arabic Projects

Arabic Teacher Brahim El-Guabli teaching the youngest campers the alphabet

Music                                      Music Projects

Music Teacher Hafez Kotain teaching the teen campers a percussion arrangement

Science                              Science Projects

Science Teacher Hope Willoe helping campers design their own desert animals habitat

Video                                        Video Project

Video Teacher Nadia Awad working with teens on their video project

Teen Video:  ABS News at 10

Art                                                Art Projects

Art Teacher Tremain Smith showing campers how to do screen-printing

Drama                                   Drama Projects

Drama Teacher Justin Poole working with campers to develop their script

Singing at Al Bustan Camp 2013


Special thanks to our teachers for compiling this extension of our Curriculum project: