
We invite you to share your comments after browsing this website and tell us how you have used this website, what you enjoyed about it, and what could be improved. We have set up this page in a discussion format so that you can post and read comments by others, exchange ideas, and make suggestions for other Arab arts education tools. Most importantly, your feedback allows us to gauge the impact of this effort and helps us make the case to funders so we can develop more resources.
Shukran – Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Discussion

  1. Truly an amazing resource. I really hope you get more funding. It would be wonderful to have a mix of modern and traditional songs, so that students get a flavour of both. My students LOVE to learn Arabic through music. Please put up some more!! I would also love to help if you need an extra hand.

    Best wishes,

  2. I was looking at your website and noticed it appears the word “antartica” is spelled wrong. I had similar problems on my site until someone mentioned it to me and I also now use software from SpellPerfect.com to keep my site error free.

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